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Take a trip back to Roman times and entertain audiences in this Fever Dark Gladiator costume. Comprising of a tunic with cape, and arm cuffs, simply add a sword and some sandals to create a convincing Gladiator look!

Male Dark Gladiator Costume SKU 55028

kr 989,00Pris
    Arti Læll
    Tiller Torget
    Ivar Lykkes vei 3
    7075 Tiller

    Tlf 481 54 722

    Man-fred 10-20
    Lørdag 10-18
    Arti Læll
    Nordre Gate 11
    7011 Trondheim
    Tlf 948 99 768

    Man-fred 10-18
    Lørdag 10-18
    Arti Læll
    Lade Arena 1
    Haakon VII gt 12
    7041 Trondheim
    Tlf 915 81 605

    Man-fred 10-20
    Lørdag 10-18
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